The Sage Intacct integration allows you to sync transaction information from Spend Center to your Sage Intacct account. This integration is set up by generating a Web Services user in Sage Intacct and connecting that user to Spend Center.
The images in this article display setting up the Sage Intacct integration for a top-level company. If you need to connect Spend Center to a specific entity in Sage Intacct, please create your Web Services user, permissions at the top level, and credit card at the entity level. If accounts are created at the top level, add credit card at the top level.
For help troubleshooting sync errors, view the Accounting Integration Sync Errors Troubleshooting Guide.
Open Sage Integration
In the Navigation Menu, select the Integrations link.
In the Available Integrations section, find the Sage Intacct integration.
Select the Connect button.
A walkthrough displays on the page. Keep this walkthrough open as you follow all the steps in the integration.
Add BILL to Web Services Authorization
To add BILL as a trusted Sender ID for Web Services, follow these steps:
Open Sage Intacct in a new tab.
Keep the walkthrough open in a separate tab.
In the Applications drop-down menu, select the Company option.
Select the Security tab.
Select the Edit button.
In the Web Services authorizations section, select the Add button.
In the Sender ID field, enter “” in all lower case letters. Then
Select the Save button.
Create Web Services User
In order to set up your Sage Intacct integration, you will need to create a Web Services user and assign permissions to that user.
Select the Applications drop-down menu, select the Company option and select the ⨁ icon next to Web Services Users.
In the User ID field, enter “Spendcenter”. This username indicates a non-billable user and is used strictly for the integration.
In the Last name, First name, and Email address fields, enter the information of the person managing the account or the sync.
In the User type options, select the Business option.
In the Admin privileges section, select the Full option.
Save the details of the new user. Once the user is created, you will receive an email from Sage Intacct with a temporary password.
Assign Role
Select the Roles information tab.
Add the Administrator role to the role names the Web Services user can use.
Follow the steps for subscription-based or role-based permissions.
4. Select the Applications drop-down menu, select the Company option, and select the ⨁ icon next to Roles.
5. In the Name field, enter "Billcom Role".
6. For each module, select the All option for the Activities/List and Reports sections.
Note: Not all Modules include a Reports section.
7. Select the Save button.
8. Select the Applications drop-down menu, select the Company option, and select the Web Services Users link.
9. Select the Edit link next to the sync user you just created.
10. Select the Roles information tab [1] and select the role that you just created [2].
11. Select the Save button.
Find Entity ID
If you want to target a specific entity, follow the steps below to find your entity ID.
In the Applications drop-down menu, open the Company menu.
Select the Entities option.
Copy to entity ID from the Entity ID column. Paste the ID in the walkthrough in Spend Center.
Obtain Credentials
After saving the Web Services user, check the email inbox from the email used in step 4 for the Web Services user ID and password. Enter the credentials in the set up fields in Spend Center.
Create Sage General Ledger Account
Open Sage Intacct in a new tab and sign in. If you’re signed into Sage Intacct already and have it open, continue to the next step.
Select the Applications drop-down menu. Then select the General Ledger option.
Select the General Ledger Accounts link.
Select the Add button.
In the Account Number field, enter your desired value.
In the Title field, enter “Spend Center GL Account”.
In the QuickStart Category field, select the category you want to sync to Spend Center.
In the Account type drop-down menu, select the Balance Sheet Account option.
In the Normal balance drop-down menu, select the Credit option.
In the Period and closing type drop-down menu, select the Non-Closing Account option.
In the GL account alternative drop-down menu, select the None option.
In the Status drop-down menu, select the Active option. The Disallow Direct Posting checkbox should be unchecked.
Ensure that all dimensions are unchecked. Required dimensions may cause sync failure.
Select the Save button.
Create Credit Card Object
Select the Applications drop-down menu.
Select the Cash Management option.
In the Accounts menu, select the Credit card link.
Select the Add button.
In the ID field, enter “Spend Center CC Object”.
Enter information in the other required fields. Ensure that your expiration date is far into the future.
In the Credit card offset account drop-down menu, select the “Spend Center GL Account” that you created in the previous steps.
In the Default location drop-down menu, select a location related to the Spend Center account you are connecting. This location will be applied to all card transactions from this Spend Center account.
Select the Save button.
Your Spend Center account is now connected to the Sage Intacct integration.
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